California came calling this month, and I was more than happy to answer. With visions of eighty degree days sitting on the beach with my Tally girl, I gleefully began to prepare for the trip. Then two things hit me. What kind of chaos am I getting myself into traveling with a four month old baby, and what on Earth will my four month post baby body look like on a beach?? Now, I’m not a believer in this whole instant snap back to pre-baby body craze. However, I am not going to front as though I wouldn’t mind getting my shape back and not only welcome it back with open arms, but also throw a party for it with a pinata and all. Although I’m not in love with all my newly acquired jiggly parts, I’m too busy enjoying being a Mother to be overly consumed with losing the baby weight. That being said, I still tried to get a few extra workouts in before the trip seeing as I was beach bound. But then Strep throat and life happened, so that went out of the window.
Transportation: Planes and Car Rentals
Speaking of windows… I didn’t get a window seat on the plane. Nor did I get an aisle seat. Max and I unfortunately got separated and I ended up smack dab in the middle of two strangers, with Tally and my overly stuffed diaper bag with leaking pumped milk in tow. But God is good. Our neighbors for the flight were kind and didn’t mind the baby feet and hands that were dangling over the boundaries of my seat, and Talia didn’t blow out her diaper until we reached the car rentals. So all in all, it was quite the successful first baby flight.
Everything in California just looks better. Even the car rental center in San Diego looked like a mall, with espressos and lattes available curb side. I LOVE this place… the coffee, the ocean views and rolling hills. It’s like God made a special variation of green just for this place, that happens to be more refreshing than any other place. My eyesight, although I’m terribly near sighted, is something I am thankful for every day… and California was definitely a feast for my eyes.
The Food: To Eat or Not To Eat
Not only does everything look better, but everything seems to taste better too. I’ve had a serious love affair with bread since childhood. It’s something I refuse to give up, but choose to manage responsibly. Vacations make that a bit more challenging, because eating really good is also a part of the “vacationing spirit”. I believe there is a balance to everything. I don’t think we should deny ourselves the joy of certain tasty treats, but we shouldn’t sabotage our health and our fitness goals either. Each of us has to assess where we are on our fitness journey and align our eating habits accordingly. For me, I’m definitely in a new place after just having my first baby. It’s a pretty determined place. I’ve clocked in the hours working out, and have maintained healthy eating habits. While I do allow myself some blissful moments with cookies, croissants and waffle fries, I keep them to a minimum. So deciding to eat or not to eat, can be really hard at time but remembering to keep the balance is key.
A Happy Mommy is a Healthy Mommy
So now that my name is not only Danay but it is also “Talia’s Mom”, I feel a new sense of modesty. I felt quite risque slipping into my bikini and actually considering walking outside amongst other humans like this, but my dear husband assured me this was respectable. Coronado Beach was perfectly lovely. Lovely and uncrowded as we enjoyed a peaceful Monday morning on the beach. Although I didn’t get as many workouts in as I wanted to, and I indulged in some fantastic California bread, I felt good and I felt proud. Proud to be Talia’s mom. Proud to be Max’s wife… and just loving the family and the life we are blessed to be building together, and it’s only just begun.